Saturday, March 29, 2008

A new computer. Some more cooking?

For my bio at work, I wrote that I love to cook, that I love to talk about food, to write about it.. All is true, but I fear that I haven't done any of those things that often lately... Part of it is being busy at work, not being organized when it comes to planning dinner, and there is, of course, my ailing computer... So, I did what most 21st century middle-class (and probably in horrible debt) people do.. I bought a new computer. The bad news is I'm about $700 poorer. The good news is that my new, sleek, glorious machine doesn't shut down after running for an hour or so, so maybe, just maybe, I'll write and post more. And because there is very limited material for me to write about myself, I'll actually cook more too.. Or at least I should, considering how much I spent in a mere five minutes of online shopping.

BTW, my new toy is to the right... Likeeee?


Sarah Nicole said...

Very nice Ilana!

Anonymous said...

Very sleek! Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Francesca x

Anonymous said...

Very cool and very sleek looking. New toys are great aren't they. I've not long got an Apple Mac and I love playing with it LOL.


Anna's kitchen table said...

Gorgeous Ilana!
Hope you're well, I've missed seeing you around

Nickki said...

Great Ilana, it's very cool! Enjoy it x