Sunday, February 24, 2008

And the Oscar goes to...

This year, we have seen many exemplary performances in the Leading Cookie role. Our nominees have ranged from the exquisitely buttery, to the puck-puckery citrusy, to the sinfully chocolatey. Indeed, it has been a year of winners, with one standing alone in greatness. In the category of leading cookie, the Oscar goes to.... Totally Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookie, Nigella Lawson, producer.


So I made these cookies for my annual Oscar bash. Last year, I made curry, and cookies for dessert, so I thought I'd continue the tradition this year. Of course, it had to be Nigella's Sweet Potato and Chickpea Curry, always a crowd favorite, and for dessert, her chocolate cookies from Nigella Express, with a cartonful of milk as the post-dinner tipple. These cookies are RICH. Don't count on falling asleep fast -- they're the sweet treat equivalent of Red Bull. But they are delicious and deserving of this year's honor of Best Cookie.

Click here for the original recipe from Big Fat Cookies, from where Nigella got the inspiration for these chocolate beauties.


Maria♥ said...

Hi Ilana

You probably remember me from Nigella but came across your blog and its great. These cookies are gorgeous ;o)


Lady M said...

Hi, Maria. Are you Glitters with family from Alicante?? Nice to read you on here. :) Your blog looks really nice too. Nice to see you still cooking up a storm!


Anonymous said...

Hi Ilana :)
The cookies are amazing aren't they. Even better made with Dean & Deluca cocoa (you know what I mean) !!

George xoxo

Patricia Scarpin said...

I'm so glad to know you like these cookies, Ilana! They are so sinfully delicious... My 14 year old sister makes them almost every week. :)

Thank you for linking my recipe!

Maria♥ said...

Hi ilana

Yes its me Maria/Glitters who has family in Alicante, lol. I was thrilled when I came across your wonderful blog.


Lady M said...

Hi, Patricia. Thank you for posting the recipe... I'm so glad the cookies are so much of a hit in your family. They are definitely keepers and one to have in their repertoire.

