Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm Sensing a Pattern Here, and other foodie news

It seems the NY Times Dining section continues to pay respek to my people and their cuisine. This time, this week's $25 and under restaurant is a kosher one in the Diamond District in Manhattan. Although the array of food is Bukhara in origin, the author does mention one of his favorites, and mine, golubtsy. I love golubtsy, and in my mind, no one makes better golubtsy than my mom, but I'll happily experiment and see if I'm mistaken. Basically, its cabbage that is stuffed with rice and meat, and cooked in a rich tomato sauce. Not to be missed. At my sister's previous job, she used to bring my mom's golubtsy (cooked by mom, of course) to the annual international luncheons they used to have. Fab fab fab!!!

And in other news:

Check out this article on eating warm breakfasts any time of day! And look at the picture on the top... Oh I am so making that soon! I'll use the cornmeal that I usually use for the mamaliga I mentioned last week.

Another great article is about Korean fried chicken. I've never salivated as much as when I read this article. One of my closest friends, Rosemary, is Korean, and she is an unbelievable cook. She's the type that could put together an entire Korean meal with her eyes closed, and then she sounds modest, saying, 'oh, I can't really cook.' Shut up, Rosemary! I hate her, of course. :D

When we were housemates in college, I would wake up in the middle of the night and see a light underneath my bedroom door. I would walk out into the long hallway into the kitchen, and see Rosemary there in her pajamas and glasses (she wears contacts usually, you see) eating out of a gigantic pot of chop-chey. Her reply to my question of what on earth she was thinking cooking and eating chop-chey at 4am was, 'I couldn't sleep.' Most people would grab a bowl of cereal and milk if they got 4am cravings. She cooked an entire meal! Living with her meant I was always well-fed. These were before my foodie days, you understand. The rice cooker was always full and there was always lots of homemade food in the fridge. Not the typical college fridgfe - oh, and we had two - but they were always packed.

But, I digress. Rosemary was visiting from Boston last weekend and stopped by for some dessert after dinner at my sister's. She had marinated some meat and cut up some veggies for a stir fry that never happened, so the next day, my family and I decided to break in my sister's wok. The stir fry was AMAZING. I think Ro marinated the cut up beef (she said the butcher cut it up for her, and all she told him was that it was for a stir fry and then simulated a chopping action, LOL) in soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds, spring onions and regular onions. I'm sure there was more but the b.i.t.c.h didn't leave me a recipe. I will grab one from her next time I see her. The veggies were mushrooms, peppers and carrots. Some egg noodles would then be added to both in the wok. I added some soy and hoisin sauces too, at the very end. Mmmmmm. Next time, Rosemary is back in town, she promised we'll go for some Korean fried chicken. I've never looked forward to something more!

Ok, well that's enough rambling from me. Hope you get a chance to read these articles.

1 comment:

Anna's kitchen table said...

Wow! Can you clone Rosemary and send her to the UK?